Notice of filing of document

With respect to the reverse merger by incorporation of CAD IT S.p.A. into its fully-owned subsidiary CAD S.r.l., CAD IT S.p.A. hereby informs that a new update of the informative document on the most relevant related parties transactions (including its attachments) - prepared pursuant to art. 5 and in accordance with Annex 4 of the CONSOB Regulation adopted with resolution no. 17221 dated March 12, 2010 - related to the above-mentioned merger, on the agenda of the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting called on September 10, 2018, is available to the public at the registered office of the Company, on the Company’s website ( and on the authorized storage mechanism “eMarket STORAGE” ( This updated informative document is only aimed at correcting a mere material error, as the previous versions disclosed on 30th July 2018, 20th August 2018 and 6th September 2018 report in the recitals and in sections 2.1 and 2.8 that the extraordinary shareholders’ of CAD IT and CAD, called to approve the merger, will both be held on September 10th 2018, while the shareholders’ meeting of CAD will be held today.

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